DestiNation Berlin

Dal 2 all’11 ottobre 2020 il Theater X di Berlino ha presentato i progetti di performance e installazioni elaborati nell’ambito di MareMuro, affiancati da una riedizione dello spettacolo “DestiNation Unknown”. Oltre una settimana intensiva di proposte di teatro, danza, performance e video, accompagnate da laboratori, incontri e confronti con persone e altre organizzazioni.

DestiNation Unknown (MareMuro Edition), von und mit: Diallo Ousmane, Antonia Benterbusch, Mohammed Kello, Mayada Darwiche, Selma Wicke, Mohammed Fox, Marta Reddemann, Mouyyad Al-Masri, Indra Genning, Roshin Bilal, Alberto Bischof Marrujo, Lamis Ammar, direction Ahmed Shah, concept and visual Veronica Schiavo, lights and sound Johnson Borowski, Abdulmajid Sedawi, Production Jana Böhm and Lara Chahal, Comunication Katherina kolmans and Selvihan Bozkurt.

– Wem Gehört die Zukunft, Performance, Installation and Video, with and by Diallo Ousmane, Antonia Benterbush, direction Ahmed Shah, Veronica Schiavo, video Fabrizio Dal Vera, Production Jana Böhm and Lara Chahal, Comunication Katherina Kolmans.

Happy Days, Performance and Installation, with and by Mayada Darwiche and Selma Wicke, direction Ahmed Shah, visual and fotos Veronica Schiavo, Production Jana Böhm and Lara Chahal, Comunication Katherina Kolmans.

Ungeklärt/Untitled, Performance, Installation and Video, with and by Mohammed Fox and Marta Reddemann, concept and visual Veronica Schiavo, video Veronica Schiavo and Fabrizio Dal Vera, Production Jana Böhm and Lara Chahal, Comunication Katherina Kolmans.

Der Weg des Jasmin, Dance Performance and Installation, with and by Mouyyad Al-Masri and Indra Genning, direction Ahmed Shah, visual and foots Veronica Schiavo, Production Jana Böhm and Lara Chahal, Comunication Katherina Kolmans.

Multiples Feuer, Performance and Installation with and by Roshin Bilal and Alberto Bischof Marrujo, direction Ahmed Shah, visual Veronica Schiavo, Production Jana Böhm and Lara Chahal, Comunication Katherina Kolmans.

Anti-colonial dance, Video Performance, choreography and direction Ahmed Shah, with  Diallo Ousmane, Antonia Benterbusch, Mohammed Kello, Mayada Darwiche, Selma Wicke, Mohammed Fox, Marta Reddemann, Mouyyad Al-Masri, Indra Genning, Roshin Bilal, Alberto Bischof Marrujo, Lamis Ammar, production Jana Böhm and Lara Chahal, Comunication Katherina Kolmans.

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