Classe 1990

Second main event: “Classe 1990”, in Bologna, on February 20, 2020. From the setting of “Classe 1989” we passed with “Classe 1990” to a different setting, always with the participation of numerous guests: the mass media scientist and sociologist Roberto Grandi, former Pro Rector of the University of Bologna; the Councilor for equal opportunities and rights of new citizens of the Municipality of Bologna Susanna Zaccaria; the visual artist Sissi who works between Bologna and London; the Iranian architect Zoia Eghtedari; the architect and visual designer Filippo Partesotti; the entomologist and writer Gianumberto Accinelli; and other personalities from the world of entertainment such as Eva Robin’s, Carlotta Miti and Marco Zanardi.

Formally, the event focused on the performative-anthropological device of “voguing”, an expression of the LGBT black and Hispanic communities in New York in the 70s and 80s. We have previously worked with various communities on the themes of the “MareMuro” project, on geographic and geopolitical boundaries and on other types of boundaries related to personal experience (in particular the boundaries of gender and sexual orientation). From here several groups arose that we gathered in different “houses”, according to the terminology of “voguing”, representative of different declinations of borders and encroachments: migrants, refugees, multicultural experiences, transsexual people, gender-fluid people, etc.
The event gave rise to the identities and requests of the various communities involved, thanks to the structure of the event, set by topics (such as “Skin & colors”, “Utopia”, “Speech or action” and also “MareMuro”), on which the different communities expressed themselves through micro-performances in the form of fashion shows, actions, monologues or dances.
The event had an extraordinary transnational participation that involved not only the countries of the 3 partners, but also numerous representatives from sub-Saharan Africa, Arab countries, Iran and China.